Chard is harvested as a green, leafy vegetable. Chard is in the spinach family but contains no oxalic acid, which makes it easier for us to absorb the nutrients from the chard. These greens are high in vitamins A, E, & C and the minerals iron & calcium.

Storage Tips
• Place chard in a plastic bag in the hydrator drawer of the refrigerator.
• Chard is best if eaten within 5 days.
Culinary Tips
• If leaves are large & mature, remove the stem to cook separately.
• If the greens are young, cook whole.
• Use in place of spinach in most recipes.
• Sauté the leaves in garlic butter or olive oil & garlic.
• Steam large stem pieces for 8-10 min. & leaves for 4-6 min.
• Raw baby leaves are great in green salads.
• Toss steamed leaves with olive oil, lemon juice, salt & pepper. OR with sesame oil, rice vinegar or soy sauce.