You will receive 4 types of cabbage in your share. Early in the season you will receive arrowhead & baby green cabbage. Mid-season you will receive red cabbage. In the late season we will distribute green cabbage for winter storage. We ship the cabbage with the outer leaves to protect the head from bruising.

Storage Tips
• Refrigerate cabbage in a hydrator drawer. Do not remove the outer leaves before storage.
• Once the cabbage has been cut s tore in a plastic bag.
Culinary Tips
• Trim off outer wilted leaves & quarter the head. Then remove the core.
• For salad or coleslaw thinly s lice the cabbage & toss with a vinaigrette or make a creamy dressing with plain yogurt, vinegar, honey, dill, & salt. Add grated carrots or other veggies.
• For steaming cut wider slices & cook for s-6 min. Top with butter or grated cheese.
• Sliced cabbage sautés & stir-fries well. Adding sliced onions or apples helps reduce the gaseous
• qualities of cabbage.
• Finely shredded red cabbage is a colorful addition to green salads.
• Boil cabbage for 5 min with chopped onion & add to mashed potatoes